Professor Liat Kulik
School of Social Work
Bar-Ilan University

About Me
Liat Kulik is a Full Professor at Bar Ilan University School of Social Work. She has a BA degree in Psychology, an MA degree in Behavioral Sciences and Management, and a Ph.D. degree in Sociology. Over the past 30 years, Prof. Kulik has engaged in practical work, research, and teaching in different areas relating to gender and to workers in organizations and the impact of work on individuals and their families. She has also published numerous articles in scientific journals on topics such as spousal power relations, gender roles at work and at home, work-family conflict, and intergenerational transmission of gender role attitudes. She is co-editor of a book Working Families – Parents in the Labor Market in Israel: Social, Legal and Economic Perspectives.
Educational Background
1987 - 1993
Bar-Ilan University, Sociology and Anthropology
1978 - 1981
Technion, Haifa, Industry and Management
1974 - 1977
Bar-Ilan University, Psychology
Research fields
Work-family system
Marital relations

Muhlbauer, V., & Kulik, L. (2010). Working families: Parents in the labor market in Israel: Social, legal and economic perspectives. Rishon Letzion: Hamichlala Leminhal [College of Management Academic Studies]. (Hebrew).
Chapters in Books
Kulik, L. (2002). "His" and "her'' marriage: Differences in spousal perceptions of marital life in late adulthood. In S.P. Shohov (Ed.), Advances in psychology research (vol. 17). New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Kulik, L. (2007). Contemporary midlife grandparenthood. In V. Muhlbauer & J.C. Chrisler (Eds.), Women over 50: Psychological perspectives (pp. 131-146). New York, NY: Springer Publications.
Kulik, L., & Heine-Cohen, E. (2008). Coping resources and adjustment to divorce among women: An ecological model. In J. K. Quinn & I.G. Zambini (Eds.), Family relations: 21st century issues and challenges (pp. 87-109). New York, NY: Nova Science Publishers Inc.
Kulik, L., & Eranthal, T. (2009). Gender differences in life values: The Israeli case. In J H. Urlich &B. T. Cosell (Eds.), Handbook on gender roles: Conflicts, attitudes and behaviors (pp. 282-297). New York, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Kulik, L. (2009). Explaining individual empowerment among elderly women volunteers in nonprofit organizations: The Israeli case. In M. Bergmann and T. Faust (Eds.), Handbook of business and finance: Multinational companies, venture capital and non-Profit organizations (pp. 101-122). New York, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
Kulik, L. (2010). A cultural perspective on strategies for coping with home-work conflict: Comparative analysis of Jewish and Muslim-Arab women. In V. Muhlbauer & L. Kulik (Eds.), Working families: Parents in the labor market in Israel: Social, legal and economic perspectives (pp. 247-276). Rishon Letzion: Hamichlala Leminhal [College of Management]. (Hebrew).
Kulik, L., & Klonover, E. (2010). Spousal Power Relations: An Analysis over Time and in Social Context. In V. Muhlbauer., & L. Kulik. (Eds). Working families: Parents in the labor market in Israel – social, legal and economic perspectives (pp. 117-142). Rishon Letzion: Hamichlala Leminhal. (Hebrew).
Kulik, L. (2010). “His”, “her” and “their” perceptions of family life: A comparative analysis of fathers, mothers, and adolescents. In A. M. Columbus (Ed.), Advances in Psychology Research (Vol. 71, pp. 139-157). New York, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Kulik, L. (2014). The impact of multiple roles on the well-being of older women: Strain or enrichment. In V. Muhlbauer, J. C. Chrisler, & F. L. Denmark (Eds.), Women and Aging: An International, Intersectional Power Perspective (pp. 51-69). New York, NY: Springer Publications.
Kulik, L. (2016). Spousal role allocation and equity in midlife and late life. In J. Bookwala (Ed.), Couple relationships in mid and late life current perspectives (pp. 135-156). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Kulik, L. (1995). The impact of ethnic origin and gender on perceptions of gender roles: The Israeli experience. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 10(4), 199.
Kulik, L. (1995). Attitudes of retired men toward conjugal life: The Israeli context. International review of modern sociology, 1-15.
Kulik, L. (1996). Perceptions of conjugal relations among Israeli males: Pre-retirement versus early and late retirement phases. Contemporary family therapy, 18(1), 115-128.
Kulik, L. (1997). Sex-typing of occupations in the Israeli education system: Students versus teachers. Journal of Career Development, 24(2), 103-114.
Kulik, L. (1997). Women's perceptions of work, family and society: A comparative analysis of Israelis and Soviet immigrants. International journal of sociology of the family, 79-93.
Kulik, L., & Bareli, H. Z. (1997). Continuity and discontinuity in attitudes toward marital power relations: pre-retired vs retired husbands. Ageing & Society, 17(5), 571-595.
Kulik, L. (1997). Anticipated dependence: A determinant in an integrative model of power relations among elderly couples. Journal of Aging Studies, 11(4), 363-377.
Kulik, L. (1998). Inter-and intra-gender differences in life orientations and work attitudes in Israel: A comparative analysis. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 20(2), 95-111.
Kulik, L. (1998). Occupational sex-typing and occupational prestige: a comparative study of adolescents and adults in Israel. Youth & Society, 30(2), 164-181.
Kulik, L. (1998). Life orientation and work attitudes of Israeli males who make atypical career choices. Journal of Psychology and Judaism, 22(2), 101-114.
Kulik, L. (1998). Effect of gender and social environment on gender role perceptions and identity: Comparative study of kibbutz and urban adolescents in Israel. Journal of community Psychology, 26(6), 533-548.<533::AID-JCOP2>3.0.CO;2-J
Kulik, L. (1999). Marital power relations, resources and gender role ideology: A multivariate model for assessing effects. Journal of comparative family studies, 30(2), 189-206.
Kulik, L. (1999). The impact of evaluation procedure on occupational sex-typing at different educational levels. Journal of Career Assessment, 7(4), 415-427.
Kulik, L. (1999). Continuity and discontinuity in marital life after retirement: Life orientations, gender role ideology, intimacy, and satisfaction. Families in Society, 80(3), 286-294.
Kulik, L. (2000). Jobless men and women: A comparative analysis of job search intensity, attitudes toward unemployment, and related responses. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 73(4), 48
Kulik, L. (2000). Gender identity, sex typing of occupations, and gender role ideology among adolescents: Are they related?. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 22(1), 43-56.
Kulik, L. (2000). Women face unemployment: A comparative analysis of age groups. Journal of Career development, 27(1), 15-33.
Kulik, L. (2000). The impact of education and family attributes on attitudes and responses to unemployment among men and women. J. Soc. & Soc. Welfare, 27, 161.
Kulik, L. (2001). Impact of length of unemployment and age on jobless men and women: A comparative analysis. Journal of Employment Counseling, 38(1), 15-27
Kulik, L. (2001). The impact of men's and women's retirement on marital relations: A comparative analysis. Journal of Women & Aging, 13(2), 21-37.
Kulik, L. (2001). Attitudes toward spousal caregiving in late adulthood: retirement versus pre-retirement phase. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 35(2), 37-57
Kulik, L. (2001). Marital relationships in late adulthood: Synchronous versus asynchronous couples. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 52(4), 323-339.
Kulik, L. (2001). The impact of gender and marital status on attitudes and responses to unemployment. Sociological Practice, 3(1), 19-36.
Kulik, L. (2001). Marital relations in late adulthood, throughout the retirement process. Ageing & Society, 21(4), 447-469.
Kulik, L. (2001). Attitudes toward spousal caregiving and their correlates among aging women. Journal of women & aging, 13(3), 41-58.
Kulik, L. (2002). The impact of social background on gender-role ideology: Parents' versus children's attitudes. Journal of Family Issues, 23(1), 53-73.
Kulik, L. (2002). Marital equality and the quality of long-term marriage in later life. Ageing & Society, 22(4), 459-481.
Kulik, L. (2002). Like-sex versus opposite-sex effects in transmission of gender role ideology from parents to adolescents in Israel. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 31(6), 451-457.
Kulik, L. (2002). Perceived effects of voluntarism on marital life in late adulthood. J. Soc. & Soc. Welfare, 29, 35.
Kulik, L. (2002). Equality in marriage, marital satisfaction, and life satisfaction: A comparative analysis of preretired and retired men and women in Israel. Families in Society, 83(2), 197-207.
Kulik, L., & Rayyan, F. (2003). Spousal relations and well‐being: A comparative analysis of Jewish and Arab dual‐earner families in Israel. Journal of community psychology, 31(1), 57-73.
Kulik, L. (2003). Morning passages from home to work among managers in Israel: Intergender differences. Sex roles, 48(5-6), 205-215.
Kulik, L., & Rayyan, F. (2003). Wage-earning patterns, perceived division of domestic labor, and social support: A comparative analysis of educated Jewish and Arab-Muslim Israelis. Sex Roles, 48(1-2), 53-66.
Kulik, L. (2004). Predicting gender role ideology among husbands and wives in Israel: A comparative analysis. Sex Roles, 51(9-10), 575-587.
Kulik, L. (2004). The Relationship between Background Variables and Sex-Typing of Gender Roles and Children’s Chores: The Israeli Case. International journal of comparative sociology, 45(5), 365-384.
Kulik, L. (2004). Transmission of attitudes regarding family life from parents to adolescents in Israel. Families in Society, 85(3), 345-353.
Kulik, L. (2004). Predicting gender-role attitudes among mothers and their adolescent daughters in Israel. Affilia, 19(4), 437-449.
Kulik, L. (2004). Strategies for Managing Home–Work Conflict and Psychological Well-Being Among Jews and Arabs in Israel: The Impact of Sex and Sociocultural Context. Families in Society, 85(1), 139-147.
Kulik, L. (2004). The impact of birth order on intergenerational transmission of attitudes from parents to adolescent sons: The Israeli case. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 33(2), 149-157.
Kulik, L. (2004). Perceived equality in spousal relations, marital quality, and life satisfaction: A comparison of elderly wives and husbands. Families in Society, 85(2), 243-250.
Kulik, L., & Kronfeld, M. (2005). Adjustment to breast cancer: the contribution of resources and causal attributions regarding the illness. Social Work in Health Care, 41(2), 37-57.
Kulik, L. (2005). Predicting gender role stereotypes among adolescents in Israel: The impact of background variables, personality traits, and parental factors. Journal of Youth Studies, 8(1), 111-129.
Kulik, L. (2005). The impact of family status on gender identity and on sex-typing of household tasks in Israel. The Journal of social psychology, 145(3), 299-316.
Kulik, L. (2005). Intrafamiliar congruence in gender role attitudes and ethnic stereotypes: The Israeli case. Journal of comparative family studies, 36(2), 289-303.
Kulik, L. (2006). Personality profiles, life satisfaction and gender-role ideology among couples in late adulthood: The Israeli case. Personality and Individual Differences, 40(2), 317-329.
Kulik, L. (2006). Predicting Gender Role Stereotypes Among Adolescents in Israel: The Impact of Background Variables, Parental Factors and Personality Traits. Megamot.
Kulik,L., & Rayyan, F. (2006). Relationship Between Dual Earner Spouse, Strategies For Coping With in Home-Work demand and Emotional Wellbeing. Community, Work and Family, 9(4), 457-477.
Kulik, L. (2006). Burnout among volunteers in the social services: The impact of gender and employment status. Journal of community psychology, 34(5), 541-561.
Kulik, L., & Rayyan, F. (2006). Relationships between dual-earner spouses, strategies for coping with home–work demands and emotional well-being: Jewish and arab-muslim women in israel. Community, work and family, 9(4), 457-477.
Kulik, L. (2006). Gender, Gender Identity, Ethnicity, and Stereotyping Of Children's Chores: The Israeli Case. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 37(4), 408-420.
Kulik, L. (2006). The impact of spousal variables on life satisfaction of individuals in late adulthood: The Israeli case. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 47(1), 54-72.
Kulik, L. (2007). Explaining responses to volunteering: An ecological model. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 36(2), 239-255.
Kulik, L. (2007). Later‐Life Marriage. The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology.
Kulik, L. (2007). Equality in the division of household labor: a comparative study of Jewish women and Arab Muslim women in Israel. The Journal of social psychology, 147(4), 423-440.
Kulik, L. (2007). Predicting responses to volunteering among adolescents in Israel: The contribution of personal and situational variables. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 18(1), 35-54.
Kulik, L. (2007). Contemporary midlife grandparenthood. In Women Over 50 (pp. 131-146). Springer, Boston, MA.
Kulik, L. (2008). Explaining the sense of family coherence among adolescents. International Journal of Child & Family Welfare, 2(3), 97-110.
Kulik, L. (2009). Burnout, perceived stress, and resources among educated, working Jews and Moslem Arabs in Israel: a cross-cultural perspective. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 40(5), 894-900.
Kulik, L., & Erantal, T. (2009). Contemporary family relationships and life values: A comparative analysis of men and women in Israel. Families in Society, 90(2), 231-238.
Kulik, L. I. A. T., & Tsoref, H. A. N. I. (2009). Explaining fathers’ involvement in child care: Recent findings from Israel. International Journal of Child & Family Welfare, 2(3), 97-115.
Kulik, L. (2009). Explaining the sense of family coherence among husbands and wives: the Israeli case. The Journal of social psychology, 149(6), 627-647.
Kulik, L., & Klein, D. (2010). Swimming against the tide: characteristics of Muslim‐Arab women in Israel who initiated divorce. Journal of community Psychology, 38(7), 918-931.
Kulik, L., & Havusha-Morgenstern, H. (2010). An ecological approach to explaining women’s adjustment in the initial stage of marriage. Contemporary Family Therapy, 32(2), 192-208.
Kulik, L., & Tsoref, H. (2010). The entrance to the maternal garden: Environmental and personal variables that explain maternal gatekeeping. Journal of Gender Studies, 19(3), 263-277.
Kulik, L. (2010). Women's experiences with volunteering: A comparative analysis by stages of the life cycle. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 40(2), 360-388.
Kulik, L., & Heine-Cohen, E. (2011). Coping resources, perceived stress and adjustment to divorce among Israeli women: Assessing effects. The Journal of social psychology, 151(1), 5-30.
Kulik, L., & Megidna, H. (2011). Women empower women: Volunteers and their clients in community service. Journal of Community Psychology, 39(8), 922-938.
Kulik, L., & Havusha-Morgenstern, H. (2011). Does cohabitation matter? Differences in initial marital adjustment among women who cohabited and those who did not. Families in Society, 92(1), 120-127.
Kulik, L. (2011). Developments in spousal power relations: Are we moving toward equality?. Marriage & Family Review, 47(7), 419-435.
Kulik, L. (2012). The Impact of Resources on Women's Strategies for Coping With Work–Home Conflict: Does Sociocultural Context Matter?. Journal of Family Social Work, 15(3), 217-234.
Kulik, L., & Liberman, G. (2013). Work–family conflict, resources, and role set density: Assessing their effects on distress among working mothers. Journal of Career Development, 40(5), 445-465.
Kulik, L., & Kitaichik, D. (2014). Marital intimacy and selected correlates of gender roles: A comparative analysis of Israeli husbands and wives. Women's Studies, 43(6), 823-842.
Kulik, L., & Kasa, Y. A. (2014).
Adjustment to divorce: A Comparison of Ethiopian immigrant and Israeli-born men. Journal of Community Psychology, 42(2), 191-208.
Kulik, L., Shilo-Levin, S., & Liberman, G. (2015). Multiple roles, role satisfaction, and sense of meaning in life: An extended examination of role enrichment theory. Journal of Career Assessment, 23(1), 137-151.
Kulik, L. (2015). The Impact of Multiple Roles on the Well-being of Older Women: Strain or Enrichment? In Women and Aging (pp. 51-69). Springer, Cham.
Kulik, L., Shilo-Levin, S., & Liberman, G. (2015). Multiple roles, role conflict, and sense of meaning in life among working parents. Journal of Career Development, 42(4), 263-280.
Kulik, L., & Sadeh, I. (2015). Explaining fathers' involvement in childcare: an ecological approach. Community, Work & Family, 18(1), 19-40
Kulik, L. (2015). Long‐Term Marriages. The Encyclopedia of Adulthood and Aging, 1-4.
Kulik, L. (2016). Spousal role allocation and equity in older couples. In J. Bookwala (Ed.), Couple relationships in the middle and later years: Their nature, complexity, and role in health and illness (p. 135–155). American Psychological Association.
Kulik, L., Shilo-Levin, S., & Liberman, G. (2016). Work–family role conflict and well-being among women and men. Journal of Career Assessment, 24(4), 651-668.
Kulik, L., Walfisch, S., & Liberman, G. (2016). Spousal conflict resolution strategies and marital relations in late adulthood. Personal Relationships, 23(3), 456-474.
Kulik, L. (2016). Explaining Men's and Women's Participation in Household Labor: Is There a Need to Reconsider Existing Theoretical Perspectives?. Asian Women, 32(4).
Kulik, L. (2016). Explaining Employment Hardiness Among Women in Israel’s Ultraorthodox Community: Facilitators and Inhibitors. Journal of Career Assessment, 24(1), 67-85.
Kulik, L., Bar, R., & Dolev, A. (2016). Gender differences in emergency volunteering. Journal of Community Psychology, 44(6), 695-713.
Kulik, L. (2017). Volunteering during an emergency: A life stage perspective. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 46(2), 419-441.
Kulik, L., Shilo-Levin, S., & Liberman, G. (2017). The contribution of role satisfaction, meaning in life and work–home conflict to explaining well-being among working grandparents. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 30(3), 333-346.
Kulik, L. (2018). Through adversity comes strength: Volunteering and self-esteem among people with physical disabilities. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 29(1), 174-189.
Kulik, L. (2018). Contribution of gender role ideology to explaining emotional wellbeing among working parents. Community, Work & Family, 1-19.
Kulik, L. (2018). Explaining Egalitarianism in Gender-Role Attitudes: The Impact of Sex, Sexual Orientation, and Background Variables. Asian Women, 34(2).
Kulik, L. (2018). Contribution of gender role ideology and work-family interface to working parents' well-being. Social Issues in Israel, (26).
Kulik, L. (2019). Volunteering and Subjective Well-Being Among Individuals With Disabilities: A Multivariate Model. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 48(2_suppl), 174S-200S.
Kulik, L. (2019). Work–home conflict, antecedents and outcomes: a life-stage perspective among working parents. Career Development International.
Kulik, L., & Liberman, G. (2019). Daily hassles in the family-work system and life satisfaction: the moderating effect of sexual satisfaction. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 1-21.
Kulik, L., & Ramon, D. (2020). When Mom Earns More Than Dad: The Parenting Experience in Light of New Earning Patterns. Journal of Family Issues, 0192513X20940380.
Kulik, L. (2020). Contribution of gender role ideology to explaining emotional wellbeing among working parents. Community, Work & Family, 23(3), 305-323.
Kulik, L. (in press). The centrality of resourcefulness in explaining wellbeing among financially challenged single mothers
Kulik, L., (in press) "Relation between Egalitarianism and Spousal Undermining: Comparative Analysis between Men and Women", Society & Welfare
Kulik, L., Bar, R., & Arnon, L.,(in press) "Multifaceted Volunteering: The Volunteering Experience in the First Wave of the Corona Pandemic in Light of Volunteering Patterns", Social Security
Kulik, L., Bar, R., & Arnon, L., (in press) "A Multivariate Model for Explaining Gender Differences in Commitment to Volunteering in the COVID-19 Pandemic, Social Issues in Israel
Kulik, L ( in press ) Comparative Analysis of a military operation and a pandemic, has been reviewed and I'm pleased to let you know it is accepted for publication Journal of Emergency Management.
Kulik, L and Ramon , D( in press ) The Relationship between Family-Work Conflict and Spousal Aggression during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Joint Israel
May 2005
Head of the Forum for Research, Measurement, and Information – The Israel Volunteer Project
Nonprofit Organization “50+-”
Member of the Public Advisory Committee to the Minister of Social Affairs and Social Services for selecting recipients of the Magen Hasar Mark of Excellence awards for volunteers
February 2005
Joint Israel
June 2013 - 2018
Head of the Admissions Committee, School of Social Work
Member of the Award Committee for the 2005 Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work-Family Research. Center for Families at Purdue University, Center of for Work and Family at Boston College.
Work History

Teaching Experience
Research Methods
Social Deviance
Introduction to Sociology
Social Psychology
Psychology and Communication
Practical Issues in Management
Advanced Theories of Management
Human Resources in Organizations
The Work Team as a Small Group
Burnout at Work: Predictors, Process and Outcomes
Applied Social Research
MEDIA - סקירה בתקשורת
MEDIA - סקירה בתקשורת
עובדים מסביב לשעון : סכנת החור באיזון
אתר דבר 05.04.2018
במלכוד השוויוניות
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הסכנה שבשמועות
גלובס 11.01.2004
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המהפכה השקטה של החרדיות
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דה - מרקר 23 באוק׳ 2014
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אבות נפגעים מהמרוץ בין העבודה לילדים
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האם מרואיינת כלשהי של לידי גלובס לא הייתה במצב שבו הגיעה לרופא על סף קרסת מערכות מרוב עבודה והצלחה?
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לא לוותר על הפנאי
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האם אתם מתחרים בבן הזוג שלכם
שהגבר יעשה כלים וספונג'ה
22.04.2013 גלובס
אפליית גיל בעבודה : טוב במקצת מארה"ב ואוסטרליה
גלובס 25.03.2013
מהפכה במשרד: תנועת MeToo# משנה מפנים את מקומות עבודה אבל יש עוד דרך לעשות
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סבתא טורבו
מגזין נשים 15.09.2020
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כך הפכה ישראל לאימפריה של מלשינים
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שווים יותר
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אסטרטגיות שאימצו אמהות עובדות בתקופת הקורונה - לא ממש הועילו להן
מחקר בבר אילן: העבודה מהבית עלולה להעלות את רמת האלימות בין בני זוגג
גם בעבודה מהבית - הנטל שוב נופל על הנשים,7340,L-3852113,00.html
זעקת האמהות: "נמצאות בתוך החינוך הביתי ההזוי והכפוי הזה"
השיר של בת הים הקטנה שלא הכרתם
האבטלה בשחקים, העמותות קורסות - אך 165 אלף ישראלים החלו להתנדב לראשונה מאז משבר הקורונה
סקר: עובדים אקדמאים נפגעו פחות במהלך סגר הקורונה,7340,L-3834817,00.html
מחקר: עבודה מהבית עלולה להעלות את רמת האלימות בין בני זוג
מחקר בבר אילן: העבודה מהבית עלולה להעלות את רמת האלימות בין בני זוג
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Building 213 (Mexico), Room 216 (Second Floor), Bar-Ilan University